
Rotary Bending - RB35

Rotary bending machine at constant load.
Electromechanical machine with integrated system in a tubular steel base with a polycarbonate protection carter. Command, control and management of the test from Personal Computer.

Plane Bending - MINI FP2

MINI FP2 is a fatigue testing machine that implements a breakthrough approach based on specimen miniaturization and cyclic plane bending loading.
It operates at a selectable test frequency up to 50 Hz.
MINI FP2 generates S/N curves for smooth configurations that correlate with test results obtained using standard specimens.

Ultrasonic VHCF - MU26

Electromechanical testing machine with an ultrasonic system for stress generation and a load frame with electromechanical actuator to generate static stresses.
Command, control and management from Personal Computer.

Linear Machine - LM10

Two columns testing machine with electric actuator on the upper crossbeam and lower grooved base.
Possibility to anchor the load cell on the actuator or on the base.
Very high dynamic performance up to 80 Hz.

Creep - TCR30

Uniaxial Tensile, Creep and Relaxation mechanical tests on metallic materials.
The machine consists of a frame with four high-rigidity columns sustained by anti-vibration supports. The actuator with servo-mechanical control for the application of the load is mounted on the lower base.
Load capacity in tension up to 50 kN with heating furnace up to Tmax ~ 1200°C.

Slow Strain Rate - SSR100

Slow deformation testing machine, floored frame with two columns and electric actuator on the lower base.
Possibility to anchor the load cell on the electric actuator or on the upper crossbeam.
Test speed range: from 0,001 mm/min to 5 mm/min with 100 kN.

Ortho 3

Triaxial biomechanical simulator for orthopaedic prostheses.
The frame consists of 4 columns and an electric actuator under the lower base; it is possible to anchor the load cell both on the lower base or on the upper crossbeam.
6-axis load cell (Fx-Fy-Fz e Mx-My-Mz).
Vertical force: 10 kN.
Axial moment: horizontal 100 Nm, vertical 100 Nm.
Very high vertical dynamic performance.

Gear Test Machine - GTM600

Evaluate the wear resistance of the gear tooth face using lubricating fluid.
In particular, it is used for comparative tests on different surface treatments of the teeth.
At the end of the test, a visual assessment of the tooth surface and the gear weight loss are noted.
Alternatively, it can be used as a comparative test for the effectiveness of various types of lubricating oils, keeping the same gear fixed.